Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Them, too??

I'm not lying when I say that pregnancies are ev-er-y-where!

I went to CVS during work yesterday, for what else but more pre-natal vitamins (ugh!).  I swear my body has more folic acid in it than someone who has actually been pregnant for nine months... I've been taking the darn pills for two years!  Anyway, this is the first thing I saw as I stood in line to pay for my vitamins (that probably are a waste of money anyway)...
Seriously, Jessica?!  Share the wealth!  Come on... you JUST had a baby!  How unfair is that?!

Then I got home and as I sat down to eat dinner, I saw on Access Hollywood that the most perfect couple in the world are becoming even more perfect...
Yup, the adorably beautiful Royal couple are having a baby, too.  Duchess Katherine is preggers.  She already got to marry a Prince and now she gets to have a baby?!

So unfair... I married a Prince too and still no baby...
Nick really should be considered Royalty for having to deal with my royal-pain-in-the-butt attitude these days!

1 comment:

Erika said...

OMG. I had the exact same thoughts as I saw these headlines this week, too!! Come on, Kate and Wills...surely you coulda held off a bit longer...ugh. As for Jessica...well, let's just hope she can think of a name that doesn't remind us of feminine products this time around. Ugh.

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