I had my re-group with my doctor yesteday afternoon and I have a plan! Well, a tentative one at least...
I guess I didn't really expect it to be anything more than it was. Our conversation was all of ten minutes. I didn't have many questions - I mean, I know what my results are. I know that I'm a poor responder, that I have a high FSH and a low AMH, that I have DOR and that my chances are less than lots of other women. I'd be lying if I said that the words 'donor eggs' didn't come out of my doctor's mouth. They did. But, I expected that. I know that donor eggs is a wonderful option that I may need to look into at some point down the road. But, not right now. I'm not ready to give up on my own eggs knowing that I do in fact have a chance. Because, I do have one - a chance, that is. This time, my doctor didn't give me a perentage of success with IVF with my own eggs, but he did say that with having seven or so resting follicles, it's absolutely worth a shot. I could be, as he said, 'the exception to the rule'. I will begin my IVF cycle with CCRM with a month of priming/prep. I will then be on a very aggressive (their strongest) protocol and to quote my doctor, they'll be "throwing the kitchen sink" at me. The CCS genetic testing will be crucial. But again, these are all things I already know. Our call was a formality... A formality to get me to the next step in this process.
I immediately called my nurse after hanging up with the doctor. She called me back right away and let me know that if we get things started with my next cycle at the end of May, that we'd be looking at a retrieval date of mid-July. Ahhhh! Getting that news was exciting - and then getting my tentative IVF calendar was even more exciting! The only drawback here is that the first two weeks in July are the absolute worst two weeks for Nick because of his work schedule. After going back and forth on whether or not to push everything back a month, we (quickly) decided to put ourselves first. If my Mom or sister (who so graciously offered to hang out with me for the first few days in Denver before Nick is needed - thanks guys!) need to accompany me, then so be it! A lot of love and support is already going into our hopefully miracle baby's life :) (ugh, that's being too positive, huh?). At any rate, things are moving along. I feel somewhat accomplished in just having gotten to this point! I've quickly learned that there's nothing quick about cycling with CCRM - it's a long and drawn out process, but boy do they cross their "t's" and dot their "i's". I just pray that this is all worth it. Sigh...
So, with that, I now wait (yet again) for my next cycle to start. Obviously, it'd be great if it didn't start... but if it does, at least I have a plan. And a calendar :)
William // 7 Years Old
10 hours ago
That's such great news! Full speed ahead!
Glad you are getting the ball rolling again!!!
Yay!! I know you must feel so much better having a plan in place..this sounds like a good one!
Sounds like a great plan!! So excited for you to get things moving!
I am VERY hopeful for you! 7 eggs and your young age is enough, I'm sure you'll have success. Very excited for you!
Ahhhh, I'm getting excited just reading about you getting excited!!! :)
Seems like July is a long way away, but you are going to be busy and it's going to fly by. So happy for you!
This is so exciting! I'm so thrilled to hear you are trying with your own eggs. I have a very similar story -- high FSH (12 ish) low AMH (0.13) and was given a very low chance of IVF working (like 15%). We only had one embryo to transfer and that miracle will be born in about 6 weeks. ANYTHING can happen! I will tell you my doc used testosterone in my protocol which he said he has seen really good success with. It's supposed to increase the quality of eggs.
Very, very good news to at least have your plan. I'm so excited for you guys!! I think 7 follicles definitely means you can hold-off on DE too. I'll be praying for you guys, I truly hope that this kitchen sink protocol is exactly what you need!!
July will be here before you know it! If you ever have any questions about the area or need anything, never hesitate to ask. :)
Onward!! Awesome news!! July will be here before you know it!!
Yay for having a plan and a schedule!I only had 6 or 7 follicles so it is possible! do you know what meds you will be on? Are you doing antagonist? I believe I have a leftover Ganirelex I need to pass on (and have been meaning to post on my blog) so let me know if you'll be using that and I can send it to you. My RE's office doesn't really donate meds to patients so I would rather give it to someone who needs it then give it to his office.
So happy you have a plan!!
I'm so excited for you! Mid-July is so soon! Yay!!!
Sounds like a great plan! Praying for you!
It's so great that you're moving forward!
mid - July! That will be here so soon. So glad you have such a wonderful support system.
Extremely excited for you! I agree with you when you say you do have a chance. We all have a chance one way or another so why give up on the hope until we exhaust all our opportunities. July will be here in a blink of an eye, you'll see.
You definitely have a chance! Congrats on having a plan, and a likely start date! I think being "too positive" can only help at this juncture. Very excited for you!!
Having a plan and a calendar is always comforting! Yay for that! And, I'm happy to see that you are feeling some excitment and hope. Yes, sometimes we might allow ourselves to get too excited or too hopeful, but that's all we have to keep us going at this point. Look forward to following your journey with CCRM... that is if you need them ;)
That's so exciting! Wow, July will be here before you know it! Sending prayers and good thoughts your way :)
This is great news! I am glad that you have a plan and are ready to move forward! About how much time will you and Nick have to be in Colorado?
Good luck, so crazy to think that July is really only 6 weeks away!
Good luck!!! I'm crossing my fingers and toes!!!
It's exciting to just even have a plan in place! July will be here before you know it. I'm glad you guys decided to put yourselves first and go full steam ahead.
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