My nurse called and I just finished doing a praise the Lord dance!
My Estrogen was 41, and they want it under 50. So, that's good.
My LH was 9. They'd like to see it under 6, but more importantly, they want LH to be less than FSH.
And so, with that, my FSH was... drum roll please... 13.6! Is this good? No, they want to see FSH under 10. But, you know what? I don't care! It's not over 18.6!! It's under 18.6!! Phew!!! I can breathe again!
I've never had an FSH result under 10. I already know that I have high FSH, low AMH and that I have diminished ovarian reserve. Fine. I get that. I've already dealt with it. I was just so, so, so worried that my FSH result would have been much higher than my highest-ever of 18.6. I was worried that it had drastically increased in the recent months that have passed. That I'd have no chance of another cycle working - so much so, that it wouldn't be worth it even going through the motions... for a fifth time (I cringe just typing that). I know that my chances are less. In fact, much less than someone who doesn't have high FSH or low AMH. But I'm still looking at it like I at least have a chance. And right now, I believe that a chance is all I need to finally be able to meet my miracle baby.
I have about a million questions swirling around in my head right now. Luckily (and thanks to my fellow CCRM friends), I already scheduled a re-group with my doctor for Wednesday afternoon. I'm hoping to get my questions answered and to find out what protocol is suggested for me... (an aggressive one, I'm sure). After that, I should be able to work with my nurse on putting together my IVF calendar(s) - something I'm so eager to finally get done!
I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders this afternoon... I am so thankful and so relieved. But now I wait... again.
In the meantime, I will celebrate Easter again this weekend (someone explain to me how Greek Orthodox Easter is different than ours! Actually, I know it's because we use a different calendar, but still, I don't get it...) and I will surely stuff my belly full of feta, moussaka, baklava and all things Greek. Opa!
William // 7 Years Old
13 hours ago
Great news Aubrey! And so great you had scheduled already a regroup so don't have to wait long. Good for you!
Now stuff yourself with babaganoush, baklava and tabouli! LOL
Great news! So glad you get to move ahead.
Yeah!! I am so happy for some relief for you!!
Enjoy Easter again! Sounds delish! xoxo
That's so great to hear! Now you can fully enjoy your Greek Easter :)
Yay!! Great news!! You are right! It's a chance!! You've got to act on it!!! Have a great weekend celebrating!!
Yay for happy news!!! And I'm MORE than a little jealous that you get to stuff yourself on Greek food this weekend! YUM!!!
Yeayyy!!!! Happy dance over here! I know how badly you wanted your FSH levels to drop and they did! All your hard work is showing results! Yeay! Congrats!
I love your approach to celebrate that this is A chance. Hoping for more great news from you and CCRM. Enjoy your weekend!
Yay for some good news! Eat extra baklava for me! Yum!
Fabulous news!!! I'd be dancing too over those numbers!! :)
Great news! Oh how I hate the suspense of waiting for those Day 3 numbers!
All that Greek food sounds delish! Yay for your high FSH. That is great news.
Yay! Hooray for good news!
Yay! Wahoooo Aubrey! I'm doing the happy dance with you! What an awesome answer to prayer!
Wahoo for good news!! Now go indulge in some Greek goodies!
Yay! What excellent news Aubrey! That's great! I can't wait to hear how the consult goes on Wednesday!
Yay, I am so excited that all of the results are in and that there are no more surprises! I'm excited that there is still hope, never stop believing! I look forward to hearing all about the regroup, I am sure that everything will feel even more hopeful once you've got a protocol and plan!
Hopefully you have been enjoying your festivities!
Good news! yay for the FSH being below the 18.6, that is great!
I think that the lab at CCRM is super accurate too... so at least they know what your levels are so they know how to treat you the best way.
You in my thoughts all the time!
This is great news. It's so nice to at least know you have a chance of it working!
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