Wednesday, August 15, 2012


pictures courtesy of Pinterest

I've never been one to dread my birthday - in fact, I always welcomed being one year older.  I have friends who hem and haw about their birthday and not wanting to add that extra digit to their age.  Perhaps though, since I have a late summer birthday and have always been the youngest of most of my friends, I always felt that I was just catching up to everyone else?  Regardless... this year is different.  I'm dreading my birthday (thankfully, we'll be on vacation, though!)... Not because of my age (30 could come and go and I wouldn't know or feel any different)... but because birthdays are a celebration and this year I just feel like I'll be celebrating documenting another year without being pregnant.

30 stings.  I was supposed to have children by now.  If you knew me in high school/college, you would know that 30 was my number - I'd surely be a wife (check!) and mom at this point in my life. 

This will be my first birthday since since starting infertility treatments last fall.  I would have never guessed that I'd still be in the same place where I started back in November.  But here I am.  Lucky for me, Nick and I share our birthday so thankfully, I can just focus on celebrating him (while window shopping on Rodeo Drive!).

Still praying for a miracle.  God knows that all I want for my birthday is two pink lines.  I mean, when I think about it, it's not that much to ask... After all, He would be killing two birds with one stone... it would be a birthday gift for me AND for Nick!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi Aubrey, hang in there and keep trying!
I ran into your blog on my 7dp3dt, in total limbo, totally delirious.
Just want to give you a big hug and tell you that you'll be an amazing mom~!!!

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