My baby shower was this past Saturday...
Wow, those are seven words I never, EVER thought I'd write.
It was amazing, beautiful and so very special... But, it was also awkward, strange and weird. I mean, I almost felt badly that I was celebrating my pregnancy - my two miracles that I fought so hard for - when I know that so many others so truly deserve to have a day like I did on Saturday. After so many years of heartache and enduring failure after failure, it's sometimes hard to embrace my own happiness.
But, the thing is, it was a happy day. A day that I will never forget. A day that my family and closest friends showered me and my boys who are already so incredibly loved by so many. I am lucky. They are lucky.
I'm not sure when I'll awake from this dream, because that is truly what it feels like - a beautiful dream.
The shower was held at a very special venue - the historic hotel where I had my bridal shower, Wedding and now baby shower. It couldn't have been more perfect...
My mom brought the bassinet that she used for me when I was a baby to hold baby books that guests were asked to bring in lieu of a card - our boys' library is already so full!

Everything was just-so from the favors to the tables and the sweet baby pictures of me and Nick as well.

We played the timer game while I opened gifts - when the timer went off, the person whose gift I was opening was able to choose a bottle of wine.

I had my closest friends and family, most of whom travelled from out of state, there with me and that truly made my heart swell. These are the people who prayed for me, consoled me and loved me throughout the worst times of my life the past three years. They were there for me and supported me more than I think they'll ever know. And how much more special does it get to have had my 94 year old Nana there with me?! Blessed. I am so, so blessed!